Here is yet another lovely sister of mine, Hannah (the dark haired one). She and her friend Brittany were hanging out and wanted to do some "sweet pics". So we headed down to Giant Springs. It was super cold and windy!!! But as always...FUN!!!
Sierra is a sophomore in High school, and she is also one of my very favorite sisters. (They all are though). We have a bond that no one else has like us and that is what makes her so special to me. I also just love the fact that she will let me take lots and lots of pictures whenever I want!!!
I got the amazing privilege to get to take some engagement pictures of my sister and her fiance. We were in Missoula (where she lives) and we were looking for some sweet area to take pictures in when we stumbled upon this beautiful little park thing. I love the look of it because the park seems so lifeless until you add two people who are madly in love with each other. It just brings love out and shows us that there can be love where there is no life.